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Click here to compare Nordic Naturals - Omega 3-6-9 Junior Lemon, 180 softgels,Nordic Naturals
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Order Now Nordic Naturals Omega-3.6.9 Junior

Product Specification: Nordic Naturals Omega-3.6.9 Junior

Type Fatty acid, life enhancements
: Supplements size 90 gels
: Serving Size - 2 softgels
: Does Not Contain: No gluten, yeast, milk derivatives, or artificial colors or flavors.

Product Description: Nordic Naturals Omega-3.6.9 Junior

You can choose to buy Low Prices Nordic Naturals Omega-3.6.9 Junior, from Nordic Naturals Store.When you place an order with us today. You will be eligible FREE Shipping to home delivery.Without having to pay shipping.Nordic Naturals Omega-3.6.9 Junior is a “full spectrum” formula designed to support the healthy mental and physical development of children and young people. Each Omega-3.6.9 Junior soft gel contains a balanced blend of EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fats in fish oil, and GLA, the omega-6 from borage oil. Substantial independent research has linked our omega blends with improved children’s health. In an important 2005 study, Omega-3.6.9 Junior was shown to significantly improve language and learning skills in children. Another study associated this formula with enhanced behavior and focus. This powerful supplement is also great for the health of the eyes, skin, hair, and nails. Plus, it has a great lemon taste that kids love!

My 6 year old son has been taking this supplement for about 9 months. He's never been diagnosed or even tested for ADD or ADHD (I think he's just a little immature). He was just on the young side for his class and had a hard time sitting and focusing on his work. In Kindergarten (he's now in 1st Grade), he preferred to socialize and was easily distracted from his work. His teacher was not very patient with him and we spoke to his doctor for advice. His doctor suggested Nordic Naturals. It took a few weeks to notice a difference, but by the 4th quarter of the Kindergarten school year (he started taking it in the 3rd quarter), his behavior grades improved drastically.
Now in 1st Grade, he's still taking the supplement and is doing very well. He's still silly, but what 6 year old boy isn't? This year's teacher is more patient with him. But most importantly, he focuses during work time, completes his work and gets top grades.
I think this supplement gives his brain just what it needs to focus on his schoolwork. Homework time is easier now. Assignments are being completed. Part of this is him maturing, but I'm sure the supplement helps too.
Finally, if you chew these gel capsules, they taste horrible. My son is able to swallow them and takes them without argument.
My kids LOVE these! I have tried several different kinds in years past and always received complaints when they had to take them. But not with these omegas... my kids actually love these more than the gummy-chewable multi-vitamins they also take.
I highly recommend these... no problems chewing them. Plus you can't beat the price here on amazon. Have bought at the Vitamin Shoppe in past and they are cheaper on amazon. Believe the studies regarding the benefits of omegas in children. My kids have been on omegas for years and I see a true difference. They help with mood and balance out the brain. Omegas really do help children succeed in school.
I have to agree that they are not chewable, I tried! That being said, these are the mildest fish oil pills. I can easily mix it in to my sons juice, and he doesn't complain about the taste. My son (4) is easily aggravated when things don't go his way, and his pre-k teacher said he was starting to get aggressive with other students. I thought that I would try him on the fish oil to see if it helped his behavior, and after a few weeks I think it is. He is much calmer and can focus much easier now. I would recommend these. FYI, I tried the liquid from nordic naturals because I was sick of cutting open the soft gels, but he didn't like the "strawberry flavor", and it is a lot more quantity for one serving of that one, so I am sticking with these!

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